The house of plants

Vivero "Los Boldos" en Totihue

Location Totihue, Rancagua, Chile

Year 2013-2014

Description Taken from a bigger project, the idea is to make a vivarium like a building, a place where plants can be appreciated through scientific criteria, in different spatial and luminous conditions. A metal framework is the structure of the white knitted covering of the roof and walls. The general blueprint is a fabric-like structure where broad patios for sun plants and a great "hall" for exhibits are included. The welcoming area is an enormous wisteria arbor, while along a channel stretches a permanent garden.

Client Agricola Coz Coz

Program Nursery, rececption spaces, service spaces, landscaping

Type Private commission

Assignment Preliminary design, detail design

Size 1000 sqm

Designers Niccolò Cau - Ricardo Walker Campos

Collaborator Giorgio Bernabei

Status Under construction