Regeneration and enhancement works on Galileo Galilei Square
Location: Cagliari, Italy
Year 2023
Description: The Galileo Galilei Square redevelopment project is structured around four key aspects: historical, urban, architectural and livability.
The square represents a prominent example of nineteenth-century urban planning, but the current layout of the parterre fails to fully reflect the value of the setting. The project aims to give the square an identity in keeping with its role in the urban design of the neighborhood.
The urban aspect focuses on the relationship between the square and the surrounding area, with the aim of encouraging the sharing of the space by pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles by reorganizing the road system. Careful attention is paid to the design of building facades and to reclaiming the visual and spatial unity between the buildings and the square.
Finally, the livability aspect aims to highlight the value of the urban green space, integrating it to achieve both ecological and social comfort. The inclusion of features for sitting, shade, and water management will help to improve air quality and mitigate the effects of climate change, creating a sustainable public space that meets the environmental, social, and economic challenges of the present time.
Client Comune di Cagliari
Program: Urban park, landscaping, facilities
Type Public commission
Assignment Tender process for the preliminary project
Designers Carlotta Montefoschi - Niccolò Cau - Georg Frish, Dea associati- Gianni Porcu
Status Completed