The Hoxton, Rome

Sistemazione a verde di un hotel a Roma

Location Rome, Italy

Year 2019-2021

Description A few steps away from Villa Borghese in Rome's Pinciano neighbourhood, The Hoxton chain is opening its first hotel in the capital. The design studios Ennismore and Fettle have completely renovated an austere and silent 1960s building, transforming it into a welcoming and dynamic hub for both neighbourhood and city life.

Within this renovation, the challenge emerges with the request for an important plant presence on all levels. An unused pavement becomes a Food & Beverage terrace overrun with greenery; a small service cloister becomes a roof garden that can be admired from every room. The balconies of the eight floors are bordered by a single species of fragrant rosemary that is a surprising match for the starkness of the facade.

In the indoor spaces, highly varied containers with sumptuous plants share and strengthen the cheerful and informal character of the furnishings.

Client Private

Program  Landscaping, greenery selection, pots selection

Type Private commission

Assignment Landscaping Consultant - Concept, final design, tender and negotiation, construction stage

Designers Carlotta Montefoschi - Niccolò Cau

Status Completed