Subheading: 1st edition “Rethinking the landscape: Biodiversity beyond the garden” Ducal Castle of Agliè


Location Agliè (TO), Italy

Web: https://residenzerealisabaude.com/events/ripensare-il-paesaggio

Year 2023


Description The main aim of the project is to establish a seamless relationship with the surroundings, namely the forest of Agliè Castle Park, by imagining an installation that bridges the gap between the temporary and the permanent. The theme of ‘biodiversity (not only) in the garden’ is thus confined to biodiversity in the forest.

The project proposes an installation in which both artificial and natural elements meet each other, complementing one another as both matter and structure in a generative process that forms a new harmonious and vital union: a new undergrowth that emphasizes the pioneer phase of forests.

 In a small clearing that forms the project area slender stainless steel bars topped by small glass spheres are arranged according to seven concentric circles. This light-catching structure is engulfed by a mass of grasses whose density increases as the light increases.


Client Piedmont Museums Regional Administration

Program: Show garden
 Tender by invitation
Assignment Preliminary design, detail design, construction
 40 mq
Designers Carlotta Montefoschi - Niccolò Cau
Collaborator Giulia Tasselli
Status Completed